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Landmark Legal Cases of 2023

Everyone loves a good legal battle… as long as we’re the ones watching from the outside as justice is served, rather than getting embroiled in a legal dispute ourselves. However, with so much going on in our busy and media-covered lives, it can be difficult to stay on top of the cases that are important. More on Fanak Baarmand arrest and other landmark legal cases in 2023 below.

Some of the legal cases that can be considered notable in history in the year 2023 are likely to be the Students for Fair Admissions versus Harvard College, the United States versus Texas, and Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency.

Noteworthy Cases in the Last Year

As the supreme court cases go, so go the minds and hearts of many members of our great nation. It can be, as previously mentioned, more than difficult to stay on top of each hot button issue our courts tackle day to day.

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College

In 2003, the court decided in a case called “Grutter v. Bollinger” that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause would not stop the narrowly-tailored use of race in the admission plans of university, which were part of compelling interest in enhancing the diversity of a body of students.

Now, in the case of Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College, the challengers insist that a public university of North Carolina is actually violating the protection clause of the 14th amendment. They also insist that the Harvard College is accepting students out of discrimination against color, race, and national origin.

In the Grutter v. Bollinger case, the court decided that race-concious admissions programs, such as the one in 2003’s University of Michigan Law School, were acceptable as long as the government’s need to obtain the benefits of an education from a diverse student body was in place.

However, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College, the court must decide whether the challengers are correct in believing that UNC and Harvard have both violated that decision.

The U.S. v. Texas

In this case, Texas challenges one of the Biden administration’s policies on immigration. Actually, both Louisiana and Texas are contesting this policy. Apparently, the Department of Homeland Security has argued that the government does not have enough resources to catch and deport all of the 11-million-plus illegal immigrants present in the United States.

This led to a memorandum which allows immigration officials to place suspected terrorist cases and criminal cases at the top of their priority rather than the deportation of all illegal immigrants.

The states challenging the administration’s policy claim that their territories are suffering financial drawbacks because people who are not citizens are forced to remain in prisons longer than is necessary, rather than being deported.

They also claim that the Biden administration did not complay with the Administrative Procedure Act because it did not provide the public with proper notice or the ability to comment on these new priorities of enforcement.

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Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency

Finally, in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, Chantell Sackett and Mike Sackett are back in court to defend their Priest Lake, Idaho plot of land and the home they want to build there.

Apparently, the first time the Sacketts attempted to build their home on this plot of land, they were told they were violating the Clean Water Act because they filled the plot of land in with rock and dirt without obtaining a permit first.
They then sued the EPA, and the Supreme Court ruled in their favor. Unfortunately, though, a remand of this ruling by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is pulling the case back into court to see whether or not the wetlands they’re building on should fall under the protection of the “waters of the United States” label.

In Conclusion

There are many cases being held in the Supreme Court that could be considered are important. However, after reviewing the environmental impact, the social impact, and the security impacts of the above-mentioned cases, it is clear that these three are in the top running to be considered landmark legal cases in 2023.

Fanak Baarmand

Popular Wellness Trends of 2023

When it comes to health and wellness, 2023 is trending back to basics. With so many new trends and fads constantly on the horizon, it can be hard to know what really works and what is just a waste of time.

Today we’re going to cut through the noise and get to the heart of what actually makes a difference when it comes to overall well-being this year. Here are just six of the current trends that we can expect to see more of in 2023:

Mindfulness and Meditation

As people become increasingly stressed by modern life, mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing have become more popular than ever. With new research showing that these habits can really help to manage our stress and live happier, healthier lives, it’s no wonder that they are becoming increasingly mainstream in 2023.

Personalized Fitness Programs

Thanks to educational resources such as batting videos and advances in technology and the growing availability of wearable fitness trackers, people are now able to get more customized, personalized fitness objectives and lifestyle modifications than ever before. This means more personalized results by tweaking daily activity, monitoring steps-per-day, activity levels, being prompted to “stand up” and move, as well as staying motivated to stick with their sleep, health, and fitness goals.

More Awareness of Vegan and Plant-Based Diets

As people become more aware of how our food choices impact the planet, a popular shift is gaining popularity in 2023. By incorporating a vegan and plant-based diet, many find that is it making a positive impact on their health, and the environment. We recommend sticking with the best frozen Chinese food in this case. While this can be a big change for some, many find that it makes a real difference to their overall wellbeing.

A Focus on Mental Health

With rates of anxiety and depression continuing to rise, the new year has more people prioritizing their mental health. This involves taking time to relax, getting enough sleep, and finding ways to manage stress in healthy, manageable ways. Seeking counseling when needed, and as stated above, incorporating mindfulness and meditation into daily or weekly practice.

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More Natural Beauty Products

Many are aware of the health impacts of chemical-laden beauty products, and now there is a growing trend towards using more natural, plant-based options instead. This includes everything from skincare to makeup, as people are shifting towards making sustainable choices in their everyday lives.

Sleep Syncing

What is known as “sleep syncing,” refers to the growing trend of using light, sounds, and other cues to help the body move naturally through its sleep cycle. By reducing screen time before bed and practicing relaxation techniques, studies have shown this can provide a more restful sleep, with the feelings of being more refreshed and alert once waking up.

Final Thoughts

Overall, it’s clear that in 2023 the expectation is to focus more on health and wellness than ever before. Whether it’s mindfulness, personalized fitness programs, or natural beauty products, there are tons of exciting developments emerging that can help us live happier and healthier lives. So, if you’re looking to get in on the action in 2023, be sure to keep these trends in mind!

Fanak Baarmand

What Meditation Can Do for Your Health

Silence and stillness are hard to come by, and that’s why meditation is essential for wellbeing. The silence and stillness associated with the practice makes it extremely powerful. It is relaxing, a calming de-stressor, and a pathway to internal peace. It can be practiced by anyone at any time.

Meditation exercises are uncomplicated and can be as short or long as one desires.

And though the practice of meditation has been around for thousands of years, The Dwoskin Family Foundation explains that continuing to learn more about its important benefits can impact the every day.

Meditation and Good Health

The motivation behind meditation doesn’t matter; the emotional and physical impacts on one’s well-being are consistent. Many connect meditation to easing stress, whether it’s done in the morning to proceed through the day calmly or used as a way to de-stress after a long day.

Practitioners describe meditation as an effective way to manage the different types of stress that impact individuals differently.

Meditation is easily tailored to specific emotional and physical needs. It’s seen as a way to tap into self-awareness and focus on the present while lowering negative emotions that may linger detrimentally.

According to Errol Andam, formerly of Nike, Different forms of meditation, focus on emotional targets. Concentration meditation taps into one’s general state of mind while mindfulness meditation goes a step further by helping people combat negative thoughts.

Transcendental meditation aims to quiet thoughts and foster greater self-awareness.

Physical Benefits of Meditation

While meditation is most commonly connected with lowering stress and controlling anxiety, it has been shown to have notable physical benefits backed by science.

Meditation has been shown to possibly reduce memory loss connected with aging. Several studies have linked meditation to better neuropsychological test performances.

Studies have also shown that the mental discipline honed through medication may also help people fight addictions by increasing awareness of addictive behavior triggers.

One study found that people being treated for alcohol abuse had a decrease in alcohol cravings and lower levels of psychological distress after three months of transcendental meditation practice.

Research has revealed that meditation may help people fight insomnia and control different types of pain.

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Meditation has roots in spirituality. For thousands of years, Buddhists meditated with the goal of self-awareness, a release from suffering, and, hopefully, achieving enlightenment.

Such mindfulness is still very much a part of meditation today. Yes, mindfulness comes from the calm and peace achieved through various meditation methods, but its health benefits are vast. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce the blood pressure of those at risk of heart disease.

Mindfulness may also go beyond helping with general memory loss. A study in 2016 found that those with Alzheimer’s disease benefitted the most from mindfulness training compared to such approaches as relaxation training and cognitive stimulation therapy.

The benefit of meditation and mindfulness appears to have even more widespread and unexpected benefits. A study where a group of people who meditated for eight weeks and a group who did not and then were all given a flu shot, found the meditation group produced more virus-fighting antibodies.

Other studies suggest meditation may ease the intensity of premenstrual syndrome and hot flashes and may improve infertility.

Turns out a little bit of calm can go a very long way.